Works: Miscellaneous

Untitled, 1975

Work in situ
Coulour pigment (blue)
Atelier Verbondstraat, Antwerp

Untitled, 1968

Work in situ

Untitled, 1975

Black and white pigment
Work in Situ
Aachen, Neue galerie, Sammlung Ludwig

Space with texts: NEIN, NICHT, NUR, closed with tape, 1979

Installation view Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts

Untitled, 1977

Canvas and pigment
220 x 148 each
Work in situ La Cloche, Antwerp

Wand, 1981

120 x 810 x 23 cm (destroyed)
Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp

Ich/Du, 1979

300 x 147 x 31 cm
Work in situ/First version
Museum of Contemporay Art, Ghent, 1979 (later re-made in SMAK, Ghent)

Atelier Verbondstraat (detail), 1975
